What Do Teeth Look Like Under Veneers?

When considering cosmetic dentistry, it's natural to have questions. One common question we hear at our Lincoln Park practice is, "What do teeth look like under veneers?" Let's delve into this topic and dispel some myths.

Understanding Veneers

Veneers are a popular choice for those seeking a cosmetic dentist. They are thin, custom-made shells designed to cover the front surface of teeth, improving their appearance. Veneers can change the color, shape, size, or length of your teeth, offering a dramatic transformation. But what happens to your natural teeth underneath?

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Preparing Your Teeth for Veneers

Before you can receive veneers, your cosmetic dentist must prepare your natural teeth. This process involves removing a small amount of enamel - about the thickness of the veneer to be added. This ensures the veneer will fit perfectly and look natural. The underlying tooth remains largely intact, albeit slightly altered. This preparation process is irreversible, so it's important to be certain about your decision to get veneers.

The Health of Teeth Under Veneers

Once veneers are in place, your natural teeth continue to function as usual. They will still need regular hygiene, including brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups. The veneer itself doesn't decay, but the tooth underneath can, so maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial. If decay does occur under a veneer, your dentist may need to remove the veneer to treat the cavity, which can be a complex process.

The Appearance of Teeth Under Veneers

If a veneer were to be removed, the tooth underneath would appear slightly different due to the removal of some enamel. However, it's important to note that veneers are not a temporary solution - they're designed to be long-lasting. Once applied, they become a permanent part of your smile. In the rare event that a veneer needs to be replaced, your dentist will need to prepare the tooth again, which may involve removing a bit more enamel.

Protecting Your Veneers and Natural Teeth

Protecting your veneers is just as important as caring for your natural teeth. Avoid habits that can damage veneers, such as teeth grinding or chewing on hard objects. Regular visits to your cosmetic dentist in Lincoln Park, Chicago will ensure your veneers and natural teeth stay in top condition. If you grind your teeth at night, your dentist may recommend wearing a night guard to protect your veneers and natural teeth from excessive wear.

Ready to Transform Your Smile?

Choosing veneers is a big decision, but it's one that can bring you confidence and joy every time you smile. At Diversey Dental Studio, Dr. Jacqueline Rodriguez is a leading cosmetic dentist in Lincoln Park, Chicago, ready to answer all your questions about veneers and other cosmetic procedures. Call us today at (847) 738-7659 to request an appointment and start your journey to a dazzling smile.

"I like to treat patients as I would a family member or a friend." — Dr. Rodriguez

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